I'm a programmer. Currently attending Utah State University while doing contract work on the side.
I was born in Salt Lake City, UT but spent most of my teenage years in Reno, NV.
I love to get away from work or school to do my own stuff, which usually includes time with family, coding personal projects, or researching code.
- Flex-Grid - I've been doing a number of wordpress articles and felt like making a grid system with flexbox for the layout.
- html, css/scss, js, gulp - code
- My CSS - I recently started playing around with some front-end css animations.
- html, css, js - code
- Blog - Everything from computer science to chemistry. Just a fun place a like to collect my thoughts.
- html, css, jekyll, mathjax, markdown - code
- Periodic Table - Fun personal project because I'm taking chemistry this semester.
- html, css, react, js - code
- CFDjango - A ColdFusion framework I was building while doing some contract work.
- ColdFusion - code